Villasimius, 23 August 2020 – Mistral, steep waves and dolphins, which unexpectedly visit the Melges 32 fleet on the race course: these are the ingredients of an excellent second day of sailing in Villasimius, valid as the first stage of 2020 Melges 32 World League.
Challenging conditions, which tested the abilities of the crews, but which thrilled sailors and enthusiasts for the spectacularity of the regattas.
Three races concluded on Day 2, the maximum allowed by the notice of race for each day of racing: the first two victories today went to Caipirinha of Martin Reintjes, winner of the Melges 32 World League in 2019 and protagonist of a series to date of impeccable regattas in Villasimius, weighed down only by the disqualification obtained in the last race due to a penalty.
An excellent day also for the rookies aboard the German Heat who, at their first experience in the Melges 32 Class and for the first time in the face of strong winds and rough seas, immediately showed themselves at ease, winning the third and last race of the day, thus shortening the distances on Homanit of Jan Jasper Wagner and Maximilian Stein, who also today maintain control of the Corinthian ranking. Third place in the division reserved for non-professionals for Startelekom of Waldemar Salata.
The general ranking is still led by La Pericolosa, who with solid placements (6-3-3, 17 points) leaves behind G-Spot, second behind by 4 points, and the already named Caipirinha. Andrea Lacorte’s Vitamina (24 points) and Fritz Homann’s Wilma (29 points) close the top five.
Tomorrow’s conditions promise once again to be challenging and similar to those of today, to the point that the Race Committee has decided to repeat today’s choice, calling the crews into the water for the first start at 10.00.
At the end of the series of regattas in Villasimius, organized by Melges Europe in collaboration with the Marina di Villasimius and the Lega Navale – Section of Villasimius, the winner of the first stage of the Melges 32 World League 2020 will be determined, before starting with the four days of the most important regattas of the season, the World Championship which will start on Wednesday 25 August.
Melges Europe and Melges World League thank all the partners of the 2020 edition: Helly Hansen, Quantum Sails, North Sails, Garmin Marine, Rocket Performance, Rigoni di Asiago, Azienda Agricola il Ponte, Revi Trento Doc, Loison Pasticceri dal 1938, Dai Dai, Le Formiche di Fabio Vettori, La Thuile, boutique hotel Rifugio Azul (Minorca) and Rifugio hotel Lilla (La Thuile) , Cedea, Equilibra, Sabatini Gin, Free Ride Cosmetics e One Ocean; moreover, we thank for the contribution the Team Partners UYN Sports.
Melges Europe and Melges World League support the message of One Ocean Foundation having signed Charta Smeralda.
Useful links:
– Melges 32 Notice Board
– Melges 32
– Melges 20
– Melges 14
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– FB offcial page